
HPLC Columns


TSKgel ODS-140HTP columns provide high resolution and short analysis time at moderate pressures for high throughput separations. The polylayer bonding chemistry of the 2.3 µm particle results in highly efficient and durable columns. The moderate pressure drop compared to sub 2 µm columns reduces the burden on the hardware, allowing the TSKgel ODS-140HTP columns to be used with either UHPLC or conventional HPLC systems.

For use in high throughput applications, including drug discovery, pharmacokinetics and peptide digest separations, TSKgel ODS-140HTP columns offer excellent peak shape for basic compounds.  

P/NDescriptionParticle Size Housing MaterialID (mm)Length (cm)Price ($) 
0021927TSKgel ODS-140HTP2.3Stainless Steel2.15881
0021928TSKgel ODS-140HTP2.3Stainless Steel2.110908

Product Attributes

Pore size (mean): 14 nm
Endcapped: Yes
Particle Size: 2.3 µm
pH stability: 2.0 - 7.5
Functional group: C18 (polymeric bonding chemistry)
% Carbon: 6




Analysis of Six Cold and Sinus Drug Standards



Time (min) Solvent B (%) Flow (mL/min)
1.4 2.0 0.6
1.5 24.0
4.0 5.0 0.8
4.1 1.0

Columns: TSKgel ODS-140HTP, 2.3 µm,
2.1 mm ID × 5 cm

Mobile phase: A: H2O with 0.15% TFA
B: 100% ACN with 0.15% TFA
Gradient: see table
Detection: UV @ 215 nm
Temperature: 50 °C
Injection vol.: 10 µL
Sample: 1. maleate peak
2. phenylephrine
3. acetaminophen
4. doxylamine succinate
5. chlorpheniramine maleate
6. dextromethorphan HBr
7. diphenhydramine HCl

For additional applications, please see our applications database.



Durability of TSKgel ODS-140HTP Columns



Column: TSKgel ODS-140HTP, 2.3 µm, 2.1 mm ID × 10 cm
Mobile phase: H2O/MeOH = 30/70
Flow rate: 0.2 mL/min
Detection: UV @ 254 nm
Temperature: 25 °C
Injection vol.: 2 µL
Sample: 1. phenol 2. benzene
3. toluene 4. napthalene
Code #DescriptionLiterature Type
AN017 TSKgel ODS-140HTP, 2.3µm: Ultra High Performance Reversed Phase for High Throughput AnalysisApplication Note
AN020 TSKgel ODS-140HTP, 2.3μm Columns for the Fast and Reliable Separation of Drugs Used in Cold and Sinus OTC MedicinesApplication Note
AN022 High Throughput Reversed Phase HPLC Analysis of Caffeine using TSKgel ODS-140HTP and ODS-100V ColumnsApplication Note
AN070 Use of Reversed Phase and HILIC in the 2D-LC Separation of Cationic, Anionic, and Hydrotropic SurfactantsApplication Note
DS1228 TSKgel ODS-140HTP ProductsOperating Conditions and Specifications
IM01 TSKgel Column Instruction ManualInstruction Manual
LCAT05A TSKgel U/HPLC Columns 2019 Product Guide -- RPC Columns, Silica-BasedProduct Catalog
PO15 TSKgel ODS-140HTP ColumnsProduct Overview
TP130 LC/MS Application of new 2.3 micron ODS Column in High-Throughput Pharmaceutical AnalysisTechnical Presentation
TP142 The Separation of Popular Cold, Sinus, and Allergy Medications using TSKgel ODS-140HTP Columns Technical Presentation
TP143 High Throughput Analysis of Caffeine and Other Food and Beverage Additives Present in Popular Soft Drinks using High Performance Reversed Phase HPLCTechnical Presentation
TP144 High Throughput Analysis of a Number of Common Drugs using a TSKgel ODS-140HTP, 2.3μm ColumnTechnical Presentation
TP146 High Throughput Analysis of a Number of Common Drugs using TSKgel ODS-140HTP ColumnsTechnical Presentation
TP147 Analysis of a Number of Common Drugs using TSKgel ODS-140HTP, 2.3μm High Throughput Reversed Phase ColumnsTechnical Presentation
TP150 High Throughput Separation of Hypertension Drug Standards by Reversed Phase Chromatography using TSKgel ODS-140HTP, 2.3µm ColumnsTechnical Presentation
TP153 High Throughput Analysis of Orlistat® Drug Standard and Corresponding Non-Prescription Over-The-Counter Drug alli® using TSKgel ODS-140HTP, 2.3μm ColumnsTechnical Presentation
TP154 Analysis of an Anti-Obesity OTC Drug alli® (orlistat) using a High Throughput Reversed Phase ColumnTechnical Presentation
TP200 Analytical Separation Of Oligonucleotides Using Strong Anion Exchange and C18 Reversed Phase ChromatographyTechnical Presentation
TP201 Use of Reversed Phase and HILIC in the 2D-LC Separation of Cationic, Anionic, and Hydrotropic SurfactantsTechnical Presentation