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TSKgel® HIC Columns

TSKgel® HIC columns are polymethacrylate-based columns with particles functionalized with butyl, ether, or phenyl ligands, each constructed with unique ligand densities and sample loading capacities.

TSKgel®  HIC Column



Organic Solvent Tolerance

Butyl-NPR Least Non-porous 50%
Ether-5PW Intermediate Porous 50%
Phenyl-5PW Most Porous 50%

  • TSKgel® Butyl-NPR columns contain non-porous particles bonded with butyl ligands. These columns are the best choice for high-speed separations of proteins and biotherapeutics, allowing quantitation and recoveries down to nanogram levels.
  • TSKgel® Ether-5PW columns contain porous particles bonded with ether ligands. These columns are resistant to acid and caustic cleaning treatments, providing alternate selectivity suitable for membrane protein separations and large proteins.
  • TSKgel® Phenyl-5PW columns feature porous particles bonded with phenyl ligands. These columns are suitable choices for DNA and RNA separations. They also offer alternate selectivity for very hydrophobic proteins and mAbs containing high abundances of aromatic amino acids.

Particle Size (mean): 2.5 µm   
Pore Size (mean): non-porous                   Visit the TSKgel® Butyl-NPR product page.      
pH Range: 2.0 - 12.0
Functional Group: Butyl

Particle Size (mean): 10 µm   
Pore Size (mean): 100 nm                   Visit the TSKgel® Ether-5PW product page.      
pH Range: 2.0 - 12.0
Functional Group: Ether  

Particle Size (mean): 10, 13 and 20 µm   
Pore Size (mean): 100 nm                   Visit the TSKgel® Phenyl-5PW product page.      
pH Range: 2.0 - 12.0
Functional Group: Phenyl