
HPLC Columns

TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm

TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm columns are packed with spherical silica particles that are covalently bonded with carbamoyl groups. The amide stationary phase provides a unique selectivity under regular normal phase conditions or in the hydrophilic interaction mode of chromatography.

TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm columns possess superior stability in aqueous/organic solvent systems, an advantage over other hydrophilic stationary phases such as traditional amino-bonded phase columns. In addition, TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm columns are ideally suited for sensitive LC/MS analysis of water-soluble polar compounds because the high organic content in the mobile phase provides rapid evaporation of solvent during electrospray ionization.

Target applications for the TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm columns include the analysis of glycans and hydrophilic molecules.

The pore size of the bonded phase is indicated by the number in the product description, in this case TSKgel Amide-80 has 8 nm nominal pore size. The nominal pore size of the starting base silica is 10 nm.

P/NDescriptionParticle Size Housing MaterialID (mm)Length (cm)Price ($) 
0023454TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm2Stainless Steel251,138
0023455TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm2Stainless Steel2101,193
0023456TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm2Stainless Steel2151,254
0023457TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm2Stainless Steel351,193
0023458TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm2Stainless Steel3101,254
0023459TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm2Stainless Steel3151,315

Product Attributes

Pore size (silica): 8 nm*
Particle size (mean): 2 µm
pH stability: 2.0-7.5
Functional group: carbamoyl
Max. temperature (°C): 50
Surface area (m2/g) 450

*The pore size of the bonded phase is indicated by the number in the product description, in this case TSKgel Amide-80 has 8 nm nominal pore size. The nominal pore size of the starting base silica is 10 nm.





Comparison of Glycan Peak Profile of Monoclonal Antibodies



Columns: TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm,
2.0 mm ID × 15 cm

Mobile phase: A: 200 mmol/L acetic acid + triethylamine, pH 7.3
Gradient: 75% B (0-5 min)
75 - 50% (5 - 80 min, linear)
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min
Detection: fluorescence (λex:315 nm,λem: 380 nm
Injection vol.:  50 µL
Samples: A: pyridylaminated oligosaccharides released from mAb-1 (mouse)
B: pyridylaminated oligosaccharides released from mAb-2 (human)
C: PA-glucose oligomer (3 - 22 mer) (TaKaRa Bio)


Ultra-high Fast Separation with TSKgel
Amide-80, 2 µm Column



Column: TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm,
2.0 mm ID × 5 cm

Mobile phase: 20 mmol/L NH4OAc, pH 4.7 / acetronitrile = 10/90
Flow rate: 1.29 mL/min
Detection: UV @ 254 nm
Temperature: 40 °C
Injection vol.: 2 µL
Samples: 1. toluene (1 g/L)
2. theophylline (0.1 g/L)
3. theobromine (0.1 g/L)
4. NPβGlu (0.1 g/L)
5. NPαGlu (0.1 g/L)
6. 2'-deoxyuridine (0.1 g/L)
7. 5-methyluridine (0.1 g/L)
8. uridine (0.1 g/L)

For additional applications, please see our applications database.


Code #DescriptionLiterature Type
BR09 Solutions for Monoclonal Antibody Analysis and CharacterizationBrochure
DS1052 TSKgel Amide-80 ProductsOperating Conditions and Specifications
IM01 TSKgel Column Instruction ManualInstruction Manual
LCAT04 TSKgel U/HPLC Columns 2019 Product Guide -- HILIC ColumnsProduct Catalog
PO42 TSKgel Amide-80, 2 µm ColumnsProduct Overview
SR055 Separation of Saccharides Using TSKgel Amide-80, a Packing Material for High-Performance Normal Phase Partition Chromatography (part 1)Separation Report
SR079 Separation of Saccharides Using TSKgel Amide-80, a Packing Material for High Performance Normal Phase Partition Chromatography (part 2)Separation Report
P/NDescriptionParticle Size Housing MaterialID (mm)Length (cm)Price ($) 
0023460TSKgel Amide-80 Guard Column for 2 mm ID, 2 µm columns2Stainless Steel21729