
HPLC Columns

TSKgel ODS-80Ts QA

TSKgel ODS-80Ts QA columns were developed specifically for use by QA/QC departments that require highly reproducible separations. These columns are prepared from the same endcapped C18 packing material as TSKgel ODS-80Ts columns, but with narrower manufacturing specifications to meet the demand for high reproducibility.

P/NDescriptionParticle Size Housing MaterialID (mm)Length (cm)Price ($) 
0018768TSKgel ODS-80Ts QA5Stainless Steel215672
0018769TSKgel ODS-80Ts QA5Stainless Steel225749
0018519TSKgel ODS-80Ts QA5Stainless Steel4.67.5696
0018520TSKgel ODS-80Ts QA5Stainless Steel4.615776
0018521TSKgel ODS-80Ts QA5Stainless Steel4.625779

Product Attributes

Pore size: 8 nm
Molar mass limit: 6,000 Da
Endcapped: Yes
Particle size: 5 µm and 10 µm
pH stability: 2.0-7.5
Functional group: C18 (monomeric bonding chemistry)
% Carbon: 15




Analysis of an Over-the-counter Analgesic Pain Reliever


Columns: TSKgel ODS-80Ts QA, 5 µm,
4.6 mm ID × 15 cm

Mobile phase: 50 mmol/L phosphate buffer, pH 2.5 2.5/ACN = 80/20
Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
Detection: UV @ 254 nm
Temperature: 40 °C
Injection vol.: 5 µL
Samples: 1. caffeine
2. salicylamide
3. acetylsalicylic

For additional applications, please see our applications database.


Code #DescriptionLiterature Type
DS1103 TSKgel ODS-80Ts ProductsOperating Conditions and Specifications
IM01 TSKgel Column Instruction ManualInstruction Manual
LCAT05A TSKgel U/HPLC Columns 2019 Product Guide -- RPC Columns, Silica-BasedProduct Catalog
P/NDescriptionParticle Size Housing MaterialID (mm)Length (cm)Price ($) 
0019308TSKgel Guard Cartridge Holder for 2 mm ID cartridges0 21522
0019018TSKgel Guard Cartridge Holder for 3.2 mm ID cartridges0 3.21.5523
0019325TSKgel ODS-80Ts, ODS-80Ts QA, and ODS-120T Guard Cartridge for 2 mm ID columns, 3 pk5Stainless Steel21525
0019011TSKgel ODS-80Ts and ODS-80Ts QA Guard Cartridge for 4.6 mm ID columns, 3 pk5Stainless Steel3.21.5384