
HPLC Columns

TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP

The TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP column is designed with the same pore-controlled technology as the TSKgel SuperSW mAb HR column and is specialized for fast run times. HTP stands for “high throughput,” and the TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP column's reduced internal diameter and length (4.6 mm ID x 15 cm) allows for high resolution between the mAb dimer and monomer in less time. The resolution is equivalent to that of the TSKgel G3000SWxl column, but in half of the separation time.

The TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP column is compatible with both HPLC and UHPLC systems because of its ability to withstand high flow rates and low pressure drops.


P/NDescriptionParticle Size Housing MaterialID (mm)Length (cm)Price ($) 
0022855TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP4Stainless Steel4.6151,782

Product Attributes

Base material: Silica
Particle size (mean): 4 µm
Pore size (mean): 25 nm
Functional group: Diol
pH stability: 2.5-7.5
Calibration range: 1 × 104- 5 × 10Da (globular proteins)

Protein Calibration Curves



High Speed Separation of Therapeutic mAb




Columns: TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP 
4 µm, 4.6 mm ID × 15 cm
Mobile phase: 0.2 mol/L phosphate buffer, pH 6.7 + 0.05% NaN3
Flow rate: 0.50 mL/min, 0.35 mL/min
Detection: UV @ 280 nm
Temperature: 25 °C
Injection vol.: 10 µL
Sample: monoclonal antibody-2 (mouse-human chimeric IgG, Erbitux®),
5 µL


Separation of Four Nucleobases Using TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP Column in HILIC mode at pH 7.4




Column: TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP 
4 µm, 4.6 mm ID × 15 cm

Mobile phase: A: acetonitrile
B: 15 mmol/L ammonium bicarbonate, pH 7.4
Gradient: isocratic
Flow rate: 0.4 mL/min
Detection: UV @ 280 nm
Injection vol.: 1 µL
Temperature: ambient
Samples: uracil (1.5 g/L), adenine (1.5 g/L), cytosine (1.5 g/L), cytodine (1.5 g/L), from Sigma Aldrich


For additional applications, please see our applications database.



Performance Stability of the TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP Column Over 1000 Consecutive Injections of Protein Standard




Columns: TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP, 4 µm,
4.6 mm ID × 15 cm
Mobile phase: 100 mmol/L phosphate/100 mmol/L sodium sulfate, pH 6.7 + 0.05% NaN3
Gradient: isocratic
Flow rate: 0.35 mL/min
Detection: UV @ 280 nm
Injection vol.: 5 µL (21.1 µg total protein load)
Samples: protein standard:
thyroglobulin, 0.58 g/L,
γ-globulin, 1.02 g/L,
ovalbumin, 1.08 g/L,
ribonuclease, 1.53 g/L,
PABA, 0.01 g/L


Code #DescriptionLiterature Type
AN047 Improved SEC Separations using TSKgel Columns on a UHPLC SystemApplication Note
AN064 Separation of Nucleobases using TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP column in HILIC mode Application Note
AN074 Evaluating the Column Lifetime of TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP Application Note
AN077 High Throughput Sub-4 Minute Separation of Antibodies using Size Exclusion ChromatographyApplication Note
DS1239 TSKgel SW mAb ProductsOperating Conditions and Specifications
IM01 TSKgel Column Instruction ManualInstruction Manual
LCAT01A TSKgel U/HPLC Columns 2019 Product Guide -- SEC, SW Series ColumnsProduct Catalog
PO35 TSKgel SuperSW mAb HR, TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP and TSKgel UltraSW Aggregate ColumnsProduct Overview
TP166 New silica-based SEC columns designed for the separation of mAb monomers and their impuritiesTechnical Presentation
TP175 Three novel prototype SEC columns for the separation of an antibody monomer from its dimer, higher aggregates, and antibody fragmentsTechnical Presentation
TP180 Three novel prototype silica-based SEC columns designed for the separation of an antibody monomer from its dimer, higher aggregates, and antibody fragmentsTechnical Presentation
TP181 Detection of protein heterogeneity by HPLC (additional data included)Technical Presentation
TP185 Three Novel Size Exclusion Chromatography Columns Designed for the Separation of a Monoclonal Antibody Monomer from its Impurities Technical Presentation
TP205 High Throughput and Highly Reproducible Sub-4 Minute Separation of Proteins and Antibodies using Size Exclusion ChromatographyTechnical Presentation
TP212 Overview of the HILIC Mode of Chromatography for the Analysis of Polar AnalytesTechnical Presentation
P/NDescriptionParticle Size Housing MaterialID (mm)Length (cm)Price ($) 
0022858TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP Guard Column for 7.8 mm ID column4Stainless Steel32664