
HPLC Columns

TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate

TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate, the latest addition to the UP-SW series of silica-based size exclusion chromatography (SEC) columns, are specifically designed to facilitate the analysis of mAb aggregates, high molecular weight (MW) proteins and nucleic acids. These columns are 3 µm, 30 nm pore size SEC analytical columns that have been designed with a higher exclusion limit than other TSKgel UP-SW columns.

Available in 4.6 mm ID, TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate columns are compatible with both UHPLC and HPLC systems and require less sample while delivering higher sensitivity compared to the 7.8 mm ID TSKgel UltraSW Aggregate column. These columns feature high pore volume per unit column volume, low sample adsorption (due to the derivatization of the particle surface with ligands containing diol functional groups) and excellent column efficiency, all contributing to unsurpassed sample resolution.

P/NDescriptionParticle Size Housing MaterialID (mm)Length (cm)Price ($) 
0023525TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate3Stainless Steel4.6152,097
0023524TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate3Stainless Steel4.6302,825


Product Attributes

Base material: silica
Particle size (mean): 3 µm
Pore size (mean): 30 nm
Functional group: Diol
pH stability: 2.5-7.5
Calibration range (proteins): 10 - 2,000 kDa

Protein Calibration Curves

TSKgel UP-SW calibration curves

Columns: A. TSKgel UP-SW2000, 2 µm,
     4.6 mm ID × 30 cm
B. TSKgel UP-SW3000, 2 µm,
     4.6 mm ID × 30 cm
C. TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate, 3 µm,
     4.6 mm ID × 30 cm
Mobile phase: 100 mmol/L phosphate buffer, pH 6.7, + 100 mmol/L Na2SO4 + 0.05% NaN3
Flow rate: 0.35 mL/min
Detection: UV @ 280 nm
Temperature: 25 °C
Injection vol.: 10 µL
Samples: 1. thyroglobulin (MW 640,000 Da)
    (1' thyroglobulin dimer)
2. γ-globulin (MW 155,000 Da)
    (2' γ-globulin dimer)
3. ovalbumin (MW 47,000 Da)
4. riboneclease A (MW 13,000 Da)
5. p-aminobenzoic acid (MW 137 Da)


Analysis of mAb Aggregates


Analysis of mAb Aggregates


Columns: A. TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate, 3 µm,
     4.6 mm ID × 30 cm
B. TSKgel UP-SW3000, 2 µm,
     4.6 mm ID × 30 cm
Mobile phase: 40 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.7
+ 400 mmol/L sodium perchlorate + 0.05% sodium azide
Flow rate: 0.2 mL/min
Detection: UV @ 280 nm
Temperature: 25 °C
Injection vol.: 10 µL
Sample: mAb HMWs: dimer, aggregates; LMWs: fragments


Analysis of Heat Forced mAb Aggregation




Column: TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate, 3 µm,
4.6 mm ID × 30 cm
Mobile phase: 40 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.7,
+ 400 mmol/L sodium perchlorate + 0.05 % sodium azide
Flow rate: 0.2 mL/min
Instruments: Agilent 1100 with Chemstation v. 2.18.18
Detection: UV @ 280 nm
Temperature: 25 °C
Injection vol.: 10 µL
Sample: mAb

 * The sample was diluted by 10-fold with 20 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) + 150 mmol/L sodium chloride and dispensed to small aliquots. Each aliquot was stored at following temperature respectively for 2 hours.
70 °C (black chromatogram)
73 °C (red chromatogram)
77 °C (green chromatogram)
80 °C (light blue chromatogram)

For additional applications, please see our applications database.


Code #DescriptionLiterature Type
AN118 Analysis of Large Immunoglobulin Aggregates by UHPLC-SECApplication Note
AN137 Trimeric SARS-COV-2 Spike Protein Analysis with SEC Coupled with MALSApplication Note
DS1245 TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate ProductsOperating Conditions and Specifications
IM01 TSKgel Column Instruction ManualInstruction Manual
PO48 TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate ColumnProduct Overview
P/NDescriptionParticle Size Housing MaterialID (mm)Length (cm)Price ($) 
0023526TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate Guard Column for 4.6 mm ID column3Stainless Steel4.62824
0023527TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate DC Guard Column for 4.6 mm ID column3Stainless Steel4.62824