The LenS3 MALS-V dual detector is a LenS3 MALS detector (allowing direct measurement of molecular weight and provides best-in-class sensitivity) equipped with an optional integrated viscometer. It offers a simple and compact solution for triple detection measurements when combined with a concentration detector (RI or UV). Just like with light scattering data, the SECview software includes seamless viscometry data acquisition and processing to get the most out of advanced detection GPC/SEC analyses.
A perfect complement to MALS for polymer analysisThe intrinsic viscosity (IV) of polymers reflects how dense and how flexible polymer chains are in dilute solutions. The lower the IV, the more compact the polymer is while rigid polymer chains show a higher IV than flexible random coils.
When combined with light scattering measurements, the MW and IV distributions provide a wealth of structural informationabout polymers:
The viscometer also allows the determination of MW by universal column calibration for comparison with legacy methods or for special applications to polymers with unfavorable optical properties (e.g. weak scatterers, light absorption and fluorescence).