
GPC Systems

EcoSEC Elite GPC System with RI Detector

EcoSEC Elite GPC System

The EcoSEC Elite® GPC System with RI Detector is an all-in-one GPC system with an RI detector, operating in temperatures ranging from ambient to 60 °C. This instrument delivers superior performance and unmatched baseline stability resulting from the unique dual flow RI detector design. The degree of precision in retention time and molar mass determination far exceeds the market standard due to its advanced temperature controlled pumps, high efficiency degassing chamber and the overall thermal stability of the entire system. This high level of engineering results in baselines that stabilize within < 60 minutes, exhibit less noise and drift, and deliver exceptional reproducibility day to day, system to system, and site to site.

Use of the EcoSEC Elite GPC System with RI Detector with the optional solvent stocker reduces baseline instability in traditionally difficult GPC solvents which are easily affected by temperature fluctuations, such as chloroform, DMF, HFIP etc. A temperature controlled sample rack unit (10 to 50 °C range) is available as an option for use with samples that require temperature control.

The inherent low dead volume of the EcoSEC Elite GPC System with RI Detector allows for the use of advanced 15 cm semi-micro columns, which drastically increase throughput and decrease solvent usage, saving you time and money. The system includes easy to use, intuitive software which features programmable startup and shutdown options and can control up to two systems in multiple locations with a single license.

For more information on this system, please see the solutions section.


ECOSYS Elite-RIEcoSEC Elite GPC System with RI Detector-



Flow rate 0.010 to 2.000 mL/min in 0.001 mL/min steps
Accuracy ± 2%
Precision ± 0.2%
Max. pressure 25 MPa or 3,500 psi
Safety features Liquid supply stops if pressure rised above the upper limit or drops below the lower limit, Plunger drive count monitoring, Pan for liquid leakage
Stroke volume 7.51 µL


Injection volume 1 to 1,500 µL in 1 µL increments
Number of samples 100, 2 mL injection vials
50, 2 mL injection vials with use of optional temperature controlled sample rack

Column Oven

Temperature range Off, 40 °C to 60 °C, in increments of 1 °C
Capacity 7.8 mm ID × 30 cm × 8 columns
Accuracy ± 0.5 °C
Precision ± 0.2 ºC, 0.4

RI Detector

Type Bryce (dual flow type), Red LED light source (λp: 630 to 670 nm)
Optics Deflection
Cell volume 2.5 µL
Cell pressure limit 0.5 MPa
Noise 2 × 10-9 RIU
Drift 0.8 × 10-7 RIU/h (THF, 1.0 mL/min)
Dynamic range ± 2.5 × 10-4 RIU
Temperature control Off, 40 °C to 60 °C, in increments of 1 °C
Analog out For connection to third party light scattering and viscometry detectors
Safety features Leak sensor and thermal fuse for circuit block


Dimensions 680 (W) × 500 (D) × 550 (H) mm = 2.2' × 1.6' × 1.8'
Weight 71 kg = 157 lbs
Dead volume < 20 µL
Code #DescriptionLiterature Type
AN021 Improved Reproducibility of MW Measurements of Polypeptoids using an EcoSEC GPC SystemApplication Note
AN031 The Characterization of Sugar Beet Pectin using the EcoSEC GPC System Coupled to Multi-Angle Light Scattering, Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering, and Differential ViscometryApplication Note
AN035 Molar Mass Measurements of an Isocyanate Modified Polyurethane Prepolymer in Less than 1 Hour with the EcoSEC GPC System Application Note
AN036 EcoSEC GPC Workstation Software Multiprocessing FeatureApplication Note
AN038 Synthesis Monitoring and Oligomeric Analysis of PEGylated PolymersApplication Note
AN043 Molar Mass Determination of a Synthetic Rubber Resin via Single-, Dual- and Triple-Detector Gel Permeation ChromatographyApplication Note
AN049 Going Green: Analysis of Virgin and Recycled Nylon 11 in HPIF Using the EcoSEC GPC System and Semi-Micro Gel Permeation Chromatography ColumnsApplication Note
AN054 Analysis of Polymers for Therapeutics Using the EcoSEC GPC System Application Note
AN057 Characterization of a Plastic Alternative via Gel Permeation ChromatographyApplication Note
AN067 Analysis of Hyaluronic Acid using the EcoSEC GPC System coupled to Differential ViscometryApplication Note
AN071 Analysis of Hydroxyethylcellulose in Personal Care ProductsApplication Note
AN075 Analysis of Renewable-Based Polymers using the EcoSEC GPC System Coupled to Multi-Angle Light ScatteringApplication Note
AN079 Monitoring Single-chain Nanoparticle Formation and Characterization of Nanoparticles using the EcoSEC GPC SystemApplication Note
AN080 Analysis of Asphalt Binders using Gel Permeation Chromatography Application Note
AN108 Determination of the molecular weight distribution of phenol-formaldehyde resins using GPCApplication Note
AN133 Monitoring Structural Changes in Polysaccharides using SEC-MALSApplication Note
AN145 Greener Solvent Alternatives in GPC/SEC and Light Scattering Analyses of PolymersApplication Note
GCAT EcoSEC GPC Systems 2018 Product Guide (complete catalog, large download file)Product Catalog
IH04 Determining the ∂n/∂c of a Polymer Using the EcoSEC GPC SystemInstrument Highlights
PD07 EcoSEC GPC System, comparison with Alliance systemPerformance Data
SEM001_1 Dilute Solution Properties and Branching Analysis of Polymers by Multi-Detector SEC, part 1. Presented by Dr. Jimmy Mays at Pittcon 2010. (Presentation + audio) Seminars
SEM001_2 Dilute Solution Properties and Branching Analysis of Polymers by Multi-Detector SEC, part 2. Presented by Dr. Jimmy Mays at Pittcon 2010. (Presentation + audio) Seminars
SEM001_3 Dilute Solution Properties and Branching Analysis of Polymers by Multi-Detector SEC, part 3. Presented by Dr. Jimmy Mays at Pittcon 2010. (Presentation + audio) Seminars
SEM002_1 Advanced Polymer Characterization using PSS WinGPC Unity and EcoSEC GPC System, part 1. Presented by Michael Gray at Pittcon 2010. (Presentation + audio)Seminars
SEM002_2 Advanced Polymer Characterization using PSS WinGPC Unity and EcoSEC GPC System, part 2. Presented by Michael Gray at Pittcon 2010. (Presentation + audio)Seminars
SEM002_3 Advanced Polymer Characterization using PSS WinGPC Unity and EcoSEC GPC System, part 3. Presented by Michael Gray at Pittcon 2010. (Presentation + audio)Seminars
SEM003 Practical GPC Characterization of Poly(ß-peptide)s and Poly(ß-peptoid)s. Presented by Dr. Li Jia at Pittcon 2010. (Presentation + audio)Seminars
SEM004 Practical GPC Characterization of Poly(ß-peptide)s and Poly(ß-peptoid)s. Presented by Dr. Li Jia at the Akron Advanced Polymer Characterization Workshop, May, 2010. (Presentation only)Seminars
SEM005 Linearity Improvements From Parallel Multiple Pore Size GPC Column Technology. Presented by Joe Machamer at the Akron Advanced Polymer Characterization Workshop, May, 2010. (Presentation only)Seminars
SEM006 Copolymer Characterization: Modern Methods using Dual Detection and GPC‐Viscometry via PSS WinGPC Unity Software and the Tosoh EcoSEC GPC System. Presented by Michael Gray at the Akron Advanced Polymer Characterization Workshop, May, 2010. (Presentation onSeminars
SEM007 An Overview of SEC and Light Scattering. Presented by Jeffrey Bodycomb, Ph.D., at the Akron Advanced Polymer Characterization Workshop, May, 2010. (Presentation only)Seminars
SEM008 GPC Analysis with Mass Sensitive Detectors – Light Scattering and Viscometry. Presented by Dr. John McConville at ACS Fall 2010 (Presentation + audio)Seminars
SEM009 Linearity Improvements From Parallel Multiple Pore Size GPC Column Technology. Presented by Dr. Caitlyn Sun at ACS Fall 2010 (Presentation + audio)Seminars
SEM010_1 Beyond Triple Detection: High Resolution SEC Analysis with 5 Detectors and 6 Columns, part 1. Presented by Dr. Judit Puskas at GCC 2010 (Presentation + audio)Seminars
SEM010_2 Beyond Triple Detection: High Resolution SEC Analysis with 5 Detectors and 6 Columns, part 2. Presented by Dr. Judit Puskas at GCC 2010 (Presentation + audio)Seminars
SEM010_3 Beyond Triple Detection: High Resolution SEC Analysis with 5 Detectors and 6 Columns, part 3. Presented by Dr. Judit Puskas at GCC 2010 (Presentation + audio)Seminars
SEM011 Effect of Temperature and Flow Rate Changes on Molecular Weight Accuracy and Precision of the EcoSEC GPC System. Presented by Dr. Caitlyn Sun at GCC 2010. (Presentation Only) Seminars
SEM012 Protein and Peptide Analysis: Gel Filtration Chromatography (GFC) Applications and Recent Developments. Presented by Dr. Atis Chakrabarti at Pittcon 2011. (Presentation Only)Seminars
SEM013 Polymer Analysis: Gel Permeation and Gel Filtration Chromatography Applications. Presented by Joe Machamer at Pittcon 2011. (Presentation Only)Seminars
SEM014_1 Principles and applications of Automatic Continuous Online Monitoring of Polymerization reactions (ACOMP), part 1. Presented by Dr. Wayne F. Reed at ACS Spring 2011 (Presentation + audio)Seminars
SEM014_2 Principles and applications of Automatic Continuous Online Monitoring of Polymerization reactions (ACOMP), part 2. Presented by Dr. Wayne F. Reed at ACS Spring 2011 (Presentation + audio)Seminars
SEM014_3 Principles and applications of Automatic Continuous Online Monitoring of Polymerization reactions (ACOMP), part 3. Presented by Dr. Wayne F. Reed at ACS Spring 2011 (Presentation + audio)Seminars
SEM015_1 Past, Present, and Future of SEC, part 1. Presented by Dr. Jimmy Mays at ACS Fall 2011 (Presentation and audio)Seminars
SEM015_2 Past, Present, and Future of SEC, part 2. Presented by Dr. Jimmy Mays at ACS Fall 2011 (Presentation and audio)Seminars
SEM015_3 Past, Present, and Future of SEC, part 3. Presented by Dr. Jimmy Mays at ACS Fall 2011 (Presentation and audio)Seminars
TP114 A New Sophisticated GPC/SEC Instrument for High-Throughput and Semi-Micro SECTechnical Presentation
TP139 Reproducibility and Accuracy in Modern Size Exclusion ChromatographyTechnical Presentation
TP173 Repeatability, Reproducibility, and Baseline Stability of a Dual-Flow Differential Refractive Index Detector for Calculation of Molar Mass Averages in Size Exclusion ChromatographyTechnical Presentation
TP177 Increased Precision in Polymer Analysis via Single-Detector Size Exclusion ChromatographyTechnical Presentation
TP182 Gel Permeation Chromatography Coupled to a Dual Flow Refractive Index Detector for Precise Molar Mass Determination of PolymersTechnical Presentation
TP186 Single Detector Gel Permeation Chromatography for Precise Molar Mass Determination of Polymers in Multiple SolventsTechnical Presentation
P/NDescriptionPrice ($) 
0024203Column Switching Valve (EcoSEC Elite)2,432
0018445Deuterium Lamp760
89239-030Sample vial with disposable caps and septum, glass, 2 mL, 100/pk-
0024204Solvent Stocker (EcoSEC Elite)-
0024206Temperature Controlled Sample Rack Unit (EcoSEC Elite)-
0018004TSKgel SuperH-RC Reference Column1,285
0024202UV-8420 Detector (EcoSEC Elite)9,578