The EcoSEC Elite® GPC System with RI and UV Detectors is an all-in-one GPC system with RI and UV detectors, operating in temperatures ranging from ambient to 60 °C. This instrument delivers superior performance and unmatched baseline stability resulting from the unique dual flow RI detector design. The degree of precision in retention time and molar mass determination far exceeds the market standard due to its advanced temperature controlled pumps, high efficiency degassing chamber and the overall thermal stability of the entire system. This high level of engineering results in baselines that stabilize within < 60 minutes, exhibit less noise and drift, and deliver exceptional reproducibility day to day, system to system, and site to site.
Use of the EcoSEC Elite GPC System with RI and UV Detectors with the optional solvent stocker reduces baseline instability in traditionally difficult GPC solvents which are easily affected by temperature fluctuations, such as chloroform, DMF, HFIP etc. A temperature controlled sample rack unit (10 to 50 °C range) is available as an option for use with samples that require temperature control.
The inherent low dead volume of the EcoSEC GPC System with RI and UV Detectors allows for the use of advanced 15 cm semi-micro columns, which drastically increase throughput and decrease solvent usage, saving you time and money. The system includes easy to use, intuitive software which features programmable startup and shutdown options and can control up to two systems in multiple locations with a single license.
For more details on this system, please see the solutions section.