
HPLC Columns

TSKgel UP-SW3000

TSKgel UP-SW3000 columns are designed for the analysis of monoclonal antibodies and other biopharma products and can be used on both HPLC and UHPLC systems. The columns are packed with 2 μm silica-based beads shielded with a hydrophilic diol-type bonded phase that prevents the silica surface from interacting with protein samples.  


TSKgel UP-SW3000 columns feature the same pore size as the well-established TSKgel G3000SWxl columns. Hence methods developed using TSKgel G3000SWxl columns can easily be transferred to TSKgel UP-SW3000 columns on conventional HPLC systems as well as on UHPLC systems.


TSKgel UP-SW3000 columns offer higher resolution, improved peak shape and increased efficiency yielding methods that are robust, reproducible and easily transferrable between UHPLC and HPLC systems.


TSKgel UP-SW3000 columns offer superior reproducibility injection-to-injection, from column-to-column within the same lot and from lot-to-lot. %RSD values for peak parameters including retention times, area peak height, peak asymmetry, and theoretical plate count demonstrate the exceptional reproducibility of these columns.

P/NDescriptionParticle Size Housing MaterialID (mm)Length (cm)Price ($) 
0023449TSKgel UP-SW30002Stainless Steel4.6152,097
0023448TSKgel UP-SW30002Stainless Steel4.6302,825


Product Attributes

Base material: silica
Particle size (mean): 2 µm
Pore size (mean): 25 nm
Functional group: Diol
pH stability: 2.5-7.5
Calibration range (proteins): 10 - 500 kDa

Protein Calibration Curves

TSKgel UP-SW calibration curves

Columns: A. TSKgel UP-SW2000, 2 µm,
     4.6 mm ID × 30 cm
B. TSKgel UP-SW3000, 2 µm,
     4.6 mm ID × 30 cm
C. TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate, 3 µm,
     4.6 mm ID × 30 cm
Mobile phase: 100 mmol/L phosphate buffer, pH 6.7, + 100 mmol/L Na2SO4 + 0.05% NaN3
Flow rate: 0.35 mL/min
Detection: UV @ 280 nm
Temperature: 25 °C
Injection vol.: 10 µL
Samples: 1. thyroglobulin (MW 640,000 Da)
    (1' thyroglobulin dimer)
2. γ-globulin (MW 155,000 Da)
    (2' γ-globulin dimer)
3. ovalbumin (MW 47,000 Da)
4. riboneclease A (MW 13,000 Da)
5. p-aminobenzoic acid (MW 137 Da)


mAb Aggregate Analysis




Columns: TSKgel UP-SW3000, 2 µm,
4.6 mm ID × 15 cm
Mobile phase: 100 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.8 + 100 mmol/L sodium sulfate + 0.05% sodium azide
Gradient: isocratic (0-7 min)
Flow rate: 0.35 mL/min
LC system: Ultimate® 3000RS UHPLC system
Detection: UV @ 280 nm
Temperature: 25 °C
Injection vol.: 10 µL
Sample: mAb (0.4 mg/mL)


Fast Analysis of mAb Sample




Columns: TSKgel UP-SW3000, 2 µm,
4.6 mm ID × 15 cm
Mobile phase: 100 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.8 + 100 mmol/L sodium sulfate + 0.05% sodium azide
Gradient: isocratic (0-4 min)
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min
LC system: Ultimate® 3000RS UHPLC system
Detection: UV @ 280 nm
Temperature: 25 °C
Injection vol.: 10 µL
Sample: mAb (0.4 mg/mL)


Comparison of QC Standard Protein Mixture




Columns: TSKgel UP-SW3000, 2 µm,
4.6 mm ID × 15 cm
Competitor column, 1.7 µm, 4.6 mm ID × 15 cm
Mobile phase: 100 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.7 + 100 mmol/L Na2SO4 + 0.05% NaN3
Gradient: isocratic 
Flow rate: 0.35 mL/min
Detection: UV @ 280 nm
Temperature: 25 °C
Injection vol.: 5 µL
Sample: QC standard protein test mixture:
thyroglobulin, 640 kDa, 0.5 g/L
γ-globulin, 155 kDa, 1 g/L
ovalbumin, 47 kDa, 1 g/L
ribonuclease A, 13,700 Da, 1.5 g/L
p-aminobenzoic acid, 137 Da, 0.01 g/L


Comparison of mAb Analysis




Columns: TSKgel UP-SW3000, 2 µm,
4.6 mm ID × 30 cm
Competitor column, 1.7 µm, 4.6 mm ID × 15 cm
Mobile phase: 100 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.7 + 100 mmol/L Na2SO4 + 0.05% NaN3
Gradient: isocratic
Flow rate: 0.35 mL/min
Detection: UV @ 280 nm
Temperature: 25 °C
Sample: mAb 


For additional applications, please see our applications database.


Code #DescriptionLiterature Type
AN088 Increased Monoclonal Antibody Resolution with TSKgel UP-SW3000 Columns Application Note
AN089 Increased Resolution and Reproducibility with TSKgel UP-SW3000 Columns Versus a Competitive SEC Column Application Note
AN090 Improving Resolution and Sample Throughput for Protein Analysis using TSKgel UP-SW3000 Columns Application Note
AN095 Rapid and accurate therapeutic mAb aggregate analysis using a TSKgel UP-SW3000, 2μm, SEC Column Application Note
AN097 The Usage of Isopropyl Alcohol in Size Exclusion Chromatography for Monoclonal Antibody Separation Application Note
AN101 SEC/MS Analysis of a Bispecific AntibodyApplication Note
AN105 Comparison of HPLC and UHPLC Methods in the Quality Control of mAb Separations by SECApplication Note
AN106 UHPLC Analysis of Biosimilars Using Size Exclusion ChromatographyApplication Note
AN109 U/HPLC Workflow Solution for Biosimilar CharacterizationApplication Note
AN127 Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Using Native SEC-MS and Its Comparison to Denaturing RP-MS TechniqueApplication Note
BR09 Solutions for Monoclonal Antibody Analysis and CharacterizationBrochure
DS1241 TSKgel UP-SW3000 ProductsOperating Conditions and Specifications
IM01 TSKgel Column Instruction ManualInstruction Manual
PD17 Superior Reproducibility of TSKgel UP-SW3000 Columns Performance Data
PO43 TSKgel UP-SW3000, 2 μm UHPLC/HPLC SEC Columns Product Overview
TP214 Characterization of New 2 μm Particle Size, 25 nm Pore Size Analytical Size Exclusion Chromatography Column With Larger Exclusion Limit Technical Presentation
TP215 Mass Spectrometric Characterization of Intact Half-mAb separated from intact monoclonal antibody and fragments using analytical size exclusion chromatography column Technical Presentation
TP216 Analysis of Bispecific mAb by Size Exclusion Chromatography and Mass SpectrometryTechnical Presentation
TP219 Comparison of HPLC and UHPLC Methods to Optimize Monoclonal Antibody Separation by Size Exclusion ChromatographyTechnical Presentation
TP221 Analytical Characterization of a Biosimilar Using a 2 μm Silica Based Size Exclusion Chromatography ColumnTechnical Presentation
TP222 Separation of Biosimilar Using a 2 μm Silica Based Size Exclusion Chromatography ColumnTechnical Presentation
TP224 Workflow Solution for the Characterization of Biosimilar using Different Modes of Analytical Chromatography TechniquesTechnical Presentation
TP229 Two-Step Purification Process for Mouse Monoclonal Antibody from Hybridoma Cell LineTechnical Presentation
TP232 Comparison of Denaturing RP-ESI-MS and Native SEC-ESI-MS for the Characterization of Monoclonal AntibodiesTechnical Presentation
P/NDescriptionParticle Size Housing MaterialID (mm)Length (cm)Price ($) 
0023451TSKgel UP-SW3000 DC Guard Column for 4.6 mm ID column2Stainless Steel4.62824
0023450TSKgel UP-SW3000 Guard Column for 4.6 mm ID column2Stainless Steel4.62824